<-- bleb.org/tv/ listings data download -->

Invalid day specification: syntax error at (eval 11) line 1, near "(..."

For more details on the listings, including manual and per-file access - as well as rules for reuse of this data - please see /tv/data/listings/.



Range: -1 to 6, where -1 is yesterday, 0 is today etc.
Syntax: n..m or a,b,c.
List of channels separated by commas.
Available channels are: bbc1, bbc2, itv1, ch4, five, 4music, 4seven, al_jazeera_english, bbc1_hd, bbc1_n_ireland, bbc1_scotland, bbc1_wales, bbc2_n_ireland, bbc2_scotland, bbc2_wales, bbc3, bbc4, bbc7, bbc_6music, bbc_hd, bbc_news24, bbc_parliament, bbc_radio1, bbc_radio1_xtra, bbc_radio2, bbc_radio3, bbc_radio4, bbc_radio5_live, bbc_radio5_live_sports_extra, bbc_radio_scotland, bbc_world_service, boomerang, bravo, british_eurosport, cartoon_network, cbbc, cbeebies, ch4_hd, challenge, citv, dave, discovery, discovery_real_time, disney, e4, extreme_sports, film_four, five_us, fiver, fx, ideal_world, itv1_hd, itv2, itv3, itv4, living_tv, men_and_motors, more4, mtv, nick_junior, nickelodeon, oneword, paramount, paramount2, qvc, s4c, s4c2, scifi, sky_atlantic, sky_movies_action_thriller, sky_movies_classics, sky_movies_comedy, sky_movies_crime_thriller, sky_movies_drama, sky_movies_family, sky_movies_hd1, sky_movies_hd2, sky_movies_indie, sky_movies_modern_greats, sky_movies_premiere, sky_movies_sci-fi_horror, sky_movies_showcase, sky_news, sky_one, sky_sports1, sky_sports2, sky_sports3, sky_sports_f1, sky_sports_news, sky_sports_xtra, sky_three, sky_travel, sky_two, tcm, teachers_tv, tmf, uk_gold, uktv_style, vh1, virgin1, watch, yesterday.

Any channel can have a +1 version created by suffixing the channel name with '+1'. Note this will have to be encoded in the URL as '%2B1'.

bleb (default) for "bleb"-XML.
Compression algorithm.
zip (default) for Zip file.
tgz for .tar.gz.
tbz2 for .tar.bz2.
gzip for Gzip (single-file formats only, eg. XMLTV).
bzip2 for Bzip2 (single-file formats only, eg. XMLTV).
Unknown end time processing.
start makes the end time the same as the start time.
HHMM fixed end time. e.g. 0000 or 2359.
duration duration to be added to the start time. e.g. PT30M (default)